When Does Your Child Need Fluoride Treatment?

Fluoride is a natural mineral found in water, rocks, and plants. It helps strengthen the enamel of the tooth so that it’s less likely to break down from the sugars and starches that we eat on a regular basis. A fluoride treatment in La Grange, KY will apply the mineral to your child’s teeth to reduce the likelihood of future dental issues, but you might reasonably ask whether they’ll get enough fluoride from their everyday lives. If you’re wondering if this is really necessary or not, we’ll look at the details.

Ask Your Dentist

The biggest reason why your child may need this treatment comes from a change in how we all drink water. If you’re used to drinking bottled water or your community in La Grange doesn’t have fluoride in its tap water, the fluoride that your child is getting from their toothpaste. Most kids only come into contact with a small amount of toothpaste for the first few years of their lives. The less fluoride they get at this age, the more likely they are to suffer from tooth decay in the future.

The Truth of the Treatment: Find a Dentist in La Grange, KY

Fluoride treatments don’t last very long, typically just a few minutes. It’s entirely painless, and it’s a proven way to give your kid the tools they need to build up their enamel. If you’re looking for dentists in La Grange, KY that can provide your little one with regular treatment, Byrne Family Dentistry is here to help. In general, we recommend treatment once every 6 months or so, unless your child has extenuating circumstances (e.g., high risk for tooth decay). Contact our staff today to learn more about what you can expect if you schedule this service.